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Stacey Oberle


office goddess

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Stacey is a homeschooling mom of three, wife, crafter, and pet parent. She first came to Off the Grid Midwifery as an expectant mama and had her own baby with Kay. She has since grown into the role of Office Goddess at Off the Grid Midwifery over the past 6 years and keeps us all afloat. She keeps all the many moving parts of our small private practice running as smoothly as possible. If you have an appointment or paperwork question, Stacey always has the answers you seek. We appreciate her so much!

Meet with Stacey

If you are establishing care with Off the Grid Midwifery, you will have an in-person or virtual visit with Stacey to take care of all your paperwork. If you call the office, that's Stacey taking your call and answering your questions. She's the best! Stacey takes care of our families from home and in the office and loves to hear about your family, your pets, and life in general as you're being checked in and awaiting your midwife appointment. Stacey's warm and welcoming presence brings joy and a sense of calm to the office.

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Stacey, the office goddess, is one of the most mellowing people in the world. I loved waiting and hanging out with her! Kay, Ce, and Stacey will all make you feel so loved and supported the entire time.


-Summer 2021 Off the Grid Client




All rights reserved © 2021-2022
Website design by CE Durfee


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